Push, then recover

Chemo cycle two was in Nanaimo and the staff there were as warm and professional as at the BC Cancer Agency in Victoria. I’m feeling super fortunate to not have to travel for the remaining chemo treatments. Natasha was here for a few days but went home on day 4...

Rx: Walk/hike every day

Guys! Guys! According to Strava (yes I’m Strava’ing all of my walks….don’t judge….) I’ve walked/hiked almost 70 kms over 16 hours this month! I want to print that off and send it to my doctors and nurses to let them know that...

Off to the races…

Chemo started yesterday at the BC Cancer Centre in Victoria and I can’t say enough positive things about how we are being treated. I will admit that walking into the treatment room with multiple people sitting in their recliners hooked up to IVs took me aback...

Chemo call out came today

Andy and I met the oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency today and found out what the next year (?) of our lives is going to look like. I start chemo next week in Victoria, then will have seven more cycles on two week rotations. The concept is that I am healthy therefore...